To test monitoring script or monitoring tool: Simulating ORA-errors
Writes to alert log:
SQL> exec dbms_system.ksdwrt(2, 'ORA-600: TEST :Check alert log');
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Writes to trace file:
SQL> exec dbms_system.ksdwrt(1, 'ORA-600: TEST :Check udump');
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Writes to alert log and trace file:
SQL> exec dbms_system.ksdwrt(3, 'ORA-600: TEST :Check alert log and udump');
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Your alert log should look something like this:
Mon May 23 10:36:03 2014
ORA-600: TEST :Check alert log
Mon May 23 10:36:13 2014
ORA-600: TEST :Check alert log and udump
Your trace file should look something like this:
*** 2014-05-23 10:21:11.096
*** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2014-05-23 10:21:11.080
*** SESSION ID:(317.26206) 2014-05-23 10:21:11.080
*** 2014-05-23 10:35:53.782
ORA-600: TEST :Check udump
*** 2014-05-23 10:36:13.704
ORA-600: TEST :Check alert log and udump